American College of Lifestyle Medicine
About American College of Lifestyle Medicine
American College of Lifestyle Medicine is a galvanizing force for change. Through development and promotion of educational events, tools, resources and campaigns designed to further the cause of Lifestyle Medicine, ACLM supports its members in their individual practices and in their collective desire to domestically and globally promote Lifestyle Medicine as the first treatment option, as opposed to a first option of treating symptoms and consequences with expensive, ever increasing quantities of pills and procedures. ACLM members are united in their desire to identify and eradicate the cause of disease.
Connect with a Clinician
Explore the ACLM Membership directory to find a Lifestyle Medicine board certified clinician in your area. Big Picture Learning students can use that director to contact a clinician directly with any request, for healthcare, speaking, or mentorship.
Connect with ACLM
Go deeper into the world of lifestyle medicine. ACLM offers a series of online courses - from emotional wellness to reversing Type 2 Diabetes . New this year, ACLM’s Lifestyle Medicine 101 curriculum is available through its website, along with the Lifestyle Medicine Course Syllabus and the Culinary Medicine Curriculum on the Tools and Resources page.
ACLM offers free resources for the entire community